Home>News>Why do HDPE water supply pipes need a static pressure test?

Why do HDPE water supply pipes need a static pressure test?

January 26, 2022

In order to better apply HDPE water supply pipes, it is necessary to understand all aspects so that they can be used better during construction. You may be familiar with the performance characteristics of HDPE water supply pipes, but are you familiar with the static load elasticity of the following PE water supply pipes?

Under the static load of HDPE water supply pipe, the stress at the beginning of the tension must be proportional to the stress. This stage is called the elastic stage, and the characteristic with this deformation characteristic is called elasticity. At this stage, the ratio of stress to deformation is called the coefficient of elasticity, which is in MPa. The coefficient of elasticity is a measure of the deformation resistance of HDPE water supply pipes. The higher the elasticity, the greater the stress value that produces a certain amount of elastic deformation. The smaller the elastic deformation that occurs under a certain stress. In engineering, the elastic mold reflects the stiffness of the pipeline, which is an important indicator for calculating the structural deformation of the pipeline under stress conditions. The PET fixed hydraulic performance is deformed in the elastic stage and can be restored after unloading the load without leaving residual deformation. Therefore, taking the yield point as the allowable stress is based on the use of this characteristic of the pipeline’s elastic stage.

This is related to the static load elasticity of the HDPE water supply pipe. It is believed to be helpful to the construction work. You can select the appropriate pipeline according to the special construction conditions or actual needs, and construct according to the operation regulations to meet the technical requirements of the design institute.

Why do HDPE water supply pipes need a static pressure test?