Home>News>China PVC Pipes Have Been Carried Out Relatively Quickly

China PVC Pipes Have Been Carried Out Relatively Quickly

February 13, 2022

China PVC pipes have been carried out relatively quickly in recent years, with an annual addition rate of 8%, and an annual increase rate of 2%. Among plastic pipes, the amount of PVC pipes has always been the first, and it is widely used in water supply and drainage pipes.

The renovation angle of the production works needs to be advanced because the technical means are relatively sophisticated. In recent years, the investment in the renovation angle of PVC water supply pipes has not been large, and the new products are absolutely few. There are usually many products on the market, with high skills and high skills. There are few value-added products, the same general products, middle-lower manufactured products account for most of them, and low-grade products are few.

The impact of the ban on lead on PVC-U pipes may be faced squarely. The application of non-lead salt thermo-stiffeners for modified plastic PVC-U drinking water pipes will have a greater impact on the PVC pipe industry. Although the relevant departments, industry associations and some production companies have made a lot of effort, by the way, a press conference was held and the media was used to promote the situation. The whole situation was gradually rationalized, but because some users still did not understand the actual environment. The growth rate of the consumption of PVC-U drinking water pipes is less than the average level of addition, and there is also a frontal impact on the use of other PVC-U pipes.

Expansion of use limitations, market promotion work needs to move forward, use and supporting martial arts need to further complete the industry to follow the product announcement, scientific modified plastics and other perspectives are not in place, which affects the rational use of plastic pipes and the expansion of application scope. The irrelevant work of industry associations needs to be improved, and the advocacy needs to be strengthened. At present, the application market of products is still concentrated in a few areas, and there are opportunities to open up new application markets. The supporting skills used in some productions are not complete and absolute, and some standardized homework such as design, construction, and testing of the productions definitely lag behind.